This film is an unabashed homage to Dario Argento's Susperia, albeit with less emphasis on rich colors and set design. But it keeps all the eerie and off-putting elements intact, often ratcheting them up to 11.
It's also a pretty damn bueno critique on the Hollywood mystique and people's continued quest for fame and adoration. And it presents a genuinely creepy view of casting calls that predates the Harvey Weinstein MeToo revelations of 2017 by a good three years.
Essentially unfolding as a descent into madness, the film follows the ambitions of wannabe star Sarah, who slums at a fast food restaurant between attending auditions. She's surrounded by other like-minded individuals, all grasping for the elusive Tinseltown Dream. The cattiness displayed between the competing actresses, the lechery and power plays of low-level management, and the seedy underbelly lurking beneath the Silver Screen are all delivered with vim, vigor, and tremendous verve.
The ending is a bit hammy, but the journey there is so taut and teeming with sinister undertones that it's worth the trip.
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