Thursday, June 4, 2020

Spirit of the Radio [THE VAST OF NIGHT film review]

This film is exceptionally well done and further proves that if you have a compelling story, solid pacing, and a great cast, you do not need to blow shit up every 5-minutes, if at all.
Teeming with snappy dialogue, a great conspiracy theory, and lots of subtlety pointed socio-political commentary, TVON immediately envelopes you up into its retro Twilight Zone-styled world. There are a few stylistic choices I felt were a bit wonky (The b/w intercuts and the blatant CEOTTK elements at the end), but aside from those brief moments, this is a tense thriller that sucks you in from the get go and keeps you glued to the screen for the duration.

Rating: 4/5
Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Pontypool; Orson Welles' broadcast of The War of the Worlds